Timbernook of Greater Baltimore is a licensed Provider of Timbernook Programming

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What is Timbernook?

TimberNook is an internationally recognized nature-based program designed to challenge the senses and inspire creativity, imagination, and independent play in the great outdoors.

TimberNook providers intricately weave the therapeutic aspects of nature with a unique understanding of child development to create an outdoor program that supports every aspect of the growing child.

Program Benefits

Children learn to think creatively through open-ended therapeutic activities and enriched natural environments that are specially designed to ignite the imagination.

Children are challenged to develop and grow naturally, taking age appropriate risks, and challenging their mind and body in new ways.

Children are given the chance to play freely in nature, unhindered by adult fears. Each TimberNook program builds in unstructured time to give children the freedom to explore with their peers.

Children learn advanced social skills, problem solving with peers, negotiating, trading, and creating complex play schemes out in the woods.

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Fall Programs:

Charlotte’s Quest/Manchester

Tiny Ones


6 Week session $90

Tuesdays 10:00 - 11:30

Ages 1 1/2 - 4

Sep 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22

This program was designed for the smallest of our TimberNook adventurers. You and your child together will venture into the woods for creative play opportunities that engage the mind and challenge the senses You’ll walk away each week brimming with ideas for inspiring unique, creative play at home as well. Come and Join us!



Little Wild Ones

6 Week session $185

Ages 4 - 10

Wednesdays 1:00 - 4:00

Sep 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23


Our popular forest program that gets children playing and learning outdoors! Children enjoy living and breathing stories, diving deep into their imaginations, engineering in grand-scale play experiences, and so much more! They’ll also get plenty of time to play for unstructured play. Learning has never been more exciting!


Enjoy some scenes from previous programs:

Timbernook of Greater Baltimore is a licensed Timbernook provider.