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Is your home life out of control with a Challenging Child?

Does your child struggle with Emotional regulation?

Do they have a hard time in social situations?

Do Sensory sensitivities prevent your child from functioning in everyday situations ?

Is the well-being of your family suffering because of your child’s struggles?

Or maybe you have tried rewards, behavior charts and they just don’t work?

Skipping Stones Occupational Therapy is here to help!

Skipping Stones understands that life can be challenging. We offer a variety of services to help the children in your circle thrive:

  • Our one-on-one, in person therapy sessions are tailored to your families needs. After doing an evaluation and discussing your goals, .we work with you and your child to improve your everyday experience. Through meaningful activities and a personalize home plan, we help you find a better way

  • Nature-based occupational therapy groups are designed to meet the needs of children in need of a small group setting. We combine the therapeutic benefits of nature, skilled occupational therapy interventions and supported play with peers to create an environment that fosters change and transformation.

  • Parenting can be hard - especially parenting children with special challenges. At Skipping Stones we know that supporting the whole family is important. We offer helpful resources, as well as, seminars and workshops to give parents the education and support they need to be their best selves. Fostering healthy children starts with a healthy YOU!